Anxiety can dramatically impact on your daily life. Learning strategies in order to reduce your anxiety, will allow you to make choices again. Learn more… Anxious feelings are usually accompanied by physical sensations such as light headedness, and a racing heart, or feeling nauseous. Sometimes these feelings can prevent people from dealing with their daily living. If that is you, there is help available. Art Fusion Counselling, Integrating Art Therapy, is one way to lessen your stress levels.

Self-Esteem past traumas, bullying, and not understanding our reactions, can lead to low self-esteem. Discovering how to understand your emotions, will increase your self-worth. Learn more…Loneliness, bullying, feeling like the odd one out, being unemployed and poor academic performance can also be signs of low self-esteem. Finding strategies and understanding yourself will help. Art Fusion Counselling, Integrating Art Therapy, is one way to increase your confidence.

Disability can be limiting and make people feel they have no choices in life. Finding a balance within your capacity, will enhance your understanding of how to live a more authentic life. Learn more…feelings of grief, anger, frustration, and lack of control are all ‘normal’ feelings. There are various ways to get your life back, within your capacity. Art Fusion Counselling, Integrating Art Therapy, is one way to do understanding your own situation and not compare yourself to others. Learn to feel good about yourself. You deserve it.

Emotions can be a roller coaster at times, and can make you feel out of control. Finding out what triggers those emotions, will give you a greater sense of well-being. Learn more… one of the steps forward is knowing how to name emotions. For example, what does anger look like, how does it control the person, and how can that person learn to manage their anger, and feel more assertive. It is only by naming the emotion and knowing how it behaves, that people can learn to regulate their emotions, and in turn, build resilience. Art Fusion Counselling, Integrating Art.

Chronic Pain – If you have pain for 3 months or more, it may be considered chronic pain. It can be a persistent pain that can leave you feeling exhausted and alone. The experience of pain is unique to the individual, based on culture, experience, gender and coping strategies.

Therapy, is one way to identify those emotions and build resilience.


*If you have a particular group with specific issues, we can arrange to run sessions to accommodate their needs.

The initial session will take approximately 2 hrs.

  • Individual Sessions usually run for a period of up to 2 hours
  • Group sessions usually run for a period 2.5 hours

Qualifications for running groupsGraduate Diploma in Social Science (Rehabilitation)  Certificate IV Training and Assessment, Experience as an Art Therapist/Art Psychotherapist. Police clearances for Working with Children, Disabled, Vulnerable and Disabled.

Cost Includes: Designing individual/group plan, All art materials.

Please ph 0403080643 for an obligation free and confidential discussion on how ARTFUSION COUNSELLING can help or email me :

Minimum sessions (6-10) depending on your goal discussed when you have session 1.

ARTFUSION COUNSELLING is suitable for all types of people, of all ages and all nationalities, in a safe, non-judgemental environment.

It’s never too late to get clarity about who you are and what you can achieve

Anxiety can dramatically
impact on your daily life.
Learning strategies in order
to reduce your anxiety,
will allow you to make
choices again.

learn more

Past traumas, bullying, and not
understanding our reactions,
can lead to low self-esteem.
Discovering how to understand
your emotions, will increase
your self-worth.

learn more

Disability can be limiting and
make people feel they have no
choices in life. Finding a balance
within your capacity, will
enhance your understanding of
how to live a more authentic life.

learn more

Emotions can be a roller coaster
at times, and can make you feel
out of control. Finding out
what triggers those emotions,
will give you a greater sense
of well-being.

learn more

Anxiety can dramatically
impact on your daily life.
Learning strategies in order
to reduce your anxiety,
will allow you to make
choices again.

learn more

Past traumas, bullying, and not
understanding our reactions,
can lead to low self-esteem.
Discovering how to understand
your emotions, will increase
your self-worth.

learn more

Disability can be limiting and
make people feel they have no
choices in life. Finding a balance
within your capacity, will
enhance your understanding of
how to live a more authentic life.

learn more

Emotions can be a roller coaster
at times, and can make you feel
out of control. Finding out
what triggers those emotions,
will give you a greater sense
of well-being.

learn more

If you want to discuss your situation please do not hesitate to phone.

If you want to discuss your situation please do not hesitate to phone.