Low self esteem can impact on your everyday life, work, university, going out with friends, etc

It may be due to a past trauma or bullying at school, or you may not know why you’re feeling depressed, or are reluctant to take on challenges? Perhaps you find it difficult making decisions or problem solving? Or you may have had too much responsibility in your life?

Art therapy can help you to discover your strengths and to believe in yourself. We can work together on achieving a goal, starting off with something small and building towards a bigger goal…and we can help you with decision making along the way. With Art therapy you can enjoy working with colours and textures, mask making, or learning how to use your imagination to build a stronger you etc. 

You can do this without judgement from others, and with the knowledge that there are no rights or wrongs. I will help to guide you through this process and before long you’ll find that you are actually enjoying the goal you are reaching for.  Art Therapy gives you the freedom to explore your emotions in a safe setting.

If you want to discuss your situation please do not hesitate to phone.

If you want to discuss your situation please do not hesitate to phone.

A task we might do together: Make a Vision Board.

A vision Board is something that helps you to focus on the future- eg. goals you might have

You’ll need magazines, scissors, glue /blu tack, large piece of paper. Give yourself about an hour, so maybe make yourself a cup of tea/coffee and choose a time when you won’t be interrupted.

Go through the magazines and find pictures or words / sentences of what resonates or connects with you for your future. Lay them on the paper and then sort through them to see what gives you the strongest feelings. 

What has it shown you? What are the themes? Do your choices make you happy? Which of them challenges you the most?

This is an example of something we might do in a session; Either as an individual or a small group session.

We would go on to explore the future with you in order for you to decide on your goal, build your self esteem, help you to feel confident with your decisions and achieve your goals.